Apply to Be a DSI Provider

Fill out the form below to be added to the No More Gatekeeping provider list.

Looking for the list of providers? Visit the directory ➞

Please write pronouns such as (she) or (she | they)
Max. file size: 1 GB.
Add a picture if you want, but this is optional
Copy and paste the website link from your browser so the link starts with https:// and then please capitalize every word in the web address for accessibility. Ex:
City & State
Meeting Type(Required)
Check all that apply
Select all that apply
Therapist = Trainee, Associate, Practicum, Intern, or Unlicensed
Select all that apply
Insurance Providers(Required)
Languages spoken for assessments(Required)
If a language you speak is missing, please email so we can add it to the list.
I will write people letters to start hormones and/or have surgery after 1 assessment/session(Required)
I will write a letter for a gender marker and/or name change for IDs, driver's licenses, and passports(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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